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July P2P Lending Platform News Round-up

  • Last post: January 30, 2023

Funding Circle announced a reduction in their earnings forecast, part of the reason given was because they are tightening their risk criteria which should reduce defaults for investors… ArchOver introduce a new type of loan which is secured against the future fees from successful resolution of legal disputes.

End-July P2P Lending Platform News Round-up

  • Last post: January 30, 2023

FundingSecure have changed their terms and conditions so that loans only begin to accrue interest after the closing deadline rather than as soon as investors pledge funds… Assetz Capital almost double their target of £1 million when their latest round of equity funding closes.

End-September P2P Lending Platform News Round-up

  • Last post: January 29, 2023

The Secret Investor summarises his thoughts after 4 years of writing about his P2P investments. What has he learned, what does he think will happen to the industry now and what will he do from now on?

Goodbye from the Secret Investor

  • Last post: January 29, 2023

The Secret Investor summarises his thoughts after 4 years of writing about his P2P investments. What has he learned, what does he think will happen to the industry now and what will he do from now on?After 4 years of doing the P2P Lending Blog for Choice Loans, it is time to move on to […]

Looking for Business Finance?

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How much finance do you require? ($)

How long have you been trading?

Are you prepared to offer security for this finance?

How is your business credit rating?